Short Term Disability (STD) Insurance Claims
Short Term Disability (STD) Insurance Claims
Many Employers provide employees with disability insurance as part of their employee benefits package. Disability insurance is supposed to protect you if you experience a non-work related injury or become ill and cannot work.
There are 2 types of disability insurance benefits:
Short Term Disability (STD)
Provides partial income replacement for a short period of time (generally between 9-52 weeks or 1 year). STD benefits may be paid until you return to work, or until you go on long-term disability.
Long Term Disability (LTD)
Pays a portion of your income after you have run out of both sick leave and STD.
At McDonald & McDonald we have a winning tradition of getting the benefits you deserve.
Claims for short term disability may be wrongfully denied to avoid payments. The insurance company will gamble that your condition will improve and you will return to work and give up on your claim. By denying your short-term disability claim up front, they hope you will give up on payments that are rightfully yours.
NOTE: The insurance company is in a better position than you when you file your disability insurance claim. The same insurance company usually administers both the short term disability & long-term disability plans, so they have information early on to try to keep you from applying for long-term disability. This is why it is extremely important you get an Attorney who has experience with short term and long term disability claims to ensure your claims are filed properly.
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