Social Security Disability Denial
Has your application for Social Security benefits been denied?
Frequently The Social Security Administration (SSA) denies Social Security Disability
Benefits to truly disabled claimants.
At McDonald & McDonald we have a winning tradition of getting the benefits you deserve.
Many disabled applicants emphasize how they feel, but may not have the proper medical evidence, or proof of specific work limitations that arise from their medical problems.
If your application has been denied, DO NOT fill out a new application for benefits, or you could be giving up your appeal rights! Denials that are pursued through the appeals process have a much greater chance of winning benefits.
Call us today 877-428-9806 for a FREE CONSULTATION
A Reconsideration or a Request for an Administrative Law Judge Hearing will need to be filed within 60 days of your denial.
The appeals process can take 2 years or more to finish, so you want to make sure you are presenting all the necessary information to win your case.
We have been successful in getting many clients the benefits they deserve, and we know how to present the medical evidence that Social Security needs to find you disabled and pay you benefits.
Free case evaluation
Call us or fill out our contact form and get a free consultation.

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